Well I have had a rough couple days. Nicole went back to work Tuesday for the first time since Ty was born. It was a little rough and she was struggling a little bit with it. But she is a strong person and knows everything will be ok. I was excited to have a full day with Ty. It is amazing how much he is trying to talk and make noises. At one point he even got a serious face and changed his voice like he was really trying to tell me something. He is so Freaking CUTE!!!!!!
The hard part of the day dealing with a horrible incident that happened about a week ago that left an amazing young man and a long time friend dead. The whole situation could have been easily avoided and definitely handled a different way. I was at Tyler's Funeral yesterday which had about 600 people there. And it really made be think alot. About how short life is. About the uncertainty of when your time is up. Accepting that everything happens for a reason and though it will never make sense to myself and many others with he had to go so early, we know he is in a better place. To see a mother and father go through the death of there son is not an easy thing to be apart of. That is not the way life is suppose to happen. Tyler you will be very missed and your loved by us all. We know you are in Heaven muding, fishing and probably already have a huge trophy buck. We will see you soon Bubba.
I encourage everyone to never take a single moment for granted. Never go to bed mad with your wife or husband. When you have time with your family and friends enjoy every second of it. If you have a little one love them, hug them and be so thankful for them. I am so blessed with My life. I have a wife that I know God gave me because she is the person that completes me and makes me constantly want to better myself. She is a perfect mother to our little Ty. I am so thankful for my son. Watching him wake up every morning with a huge smile on his face is more than enough to keep me going.
I thank god for all of them as well as all of my family and friends. Knowing that God is the only one who knows when our time is up and why the reason. Does not always make sense to us and we might not ever understand. But he does and that is what matters. Sorry for rambling just alot on my mind.
I love you Nicole and Ty, you guys are my life and I will do anything to make your lives as easy as possible.
God Bless Everyone-
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Here is Ty in his every morning Routine. Wake up, fuss a little and then lay on his changing table and talk and smile. He is such a ham. And the most adorable little boy ever!!!!
It has been a while since the last post so I will fill you in on all that has happened.
Well Ty is now 10 weeks old. It has been a great adventure to get here. Ihave learned so much about Ty, Myself and my relationship with my wife. i couldn't imagine going through this with any one else in the world. Nicole is an amazing mother and wife. It is hard for us to find time to do things together but we get by. It hasn't all been glorious days, there are times when we are at each others throat a little bit, But with lack of sleep and some frustration it is easy to get there. However we both know we don't mean it and quickly resolve the problem and stay focused on our goal. Raising Ty. Ty is such a great baby. we started putting him in his crib at night about 3 weeks ago. That was hard for me. for the first 2 nights i sat on the couch untill 2:30 in the morning staring at the monitor. And making 2 dozen trips into his room to make sure he was ok. About 1 week ago he suprised us with a full night of sleep. Now he gets his bath around 8:30pm and then eats one last time then sleeps from about 9:30ish to 7:30ish. He wakes up a few times always around 4am. But after a couple trips to give him is pacifier he falls right back a sleep.
When he wakes up he is always in such a good mood. As you can tell from the video. That is him every morning. Laughing, Dancing and making noises. He smiles onpurpose now and is starting to find his hands. He really wants to suck his thumb but instead he just slobbers on his whole hand.
We went for his 2 month check up and he is in the 70% for his weight. 13 lbs. And he only the 25% for his height. So right now he is a short little meatball. However he has a regular size head. He is out growing close like crazy and is now eating 6oz 5 times a day. All in all tehre is nothing I would ever change with him. He is our perect little boy. He even had his first beach day with Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Dustin, Aunt Vanessa, 2nd Grandma Sandy and Future wife Lily. He loves the beach!!!!
He also got to meet Uncle Nick and Ashley for the he mety Uncle Ben and Alison when he was about 2 weeks old.
I will post some pictures of all of this soon. For now enjoy the video. And of course the video has Daddy doing the baby talk.
Ty you are perfect and We love you so much!!!!!!!!
It has been a while since the last post so I will fill you in on all that has happened.
Well Ty is now 10 weeks old. It has been a great adventure to get here. Ihave learned so much about Ty, Myself and my relationship with my wife. i couldn't imagine going through this with any one else in the world. Nicole is an amazing mother and wife. It is hard for us to find time to do things together but we get by. It hasn't all been glorious days, there are times when we are at each others throat a little bit, But with lack of sleep and some frustration it is easy to get there. However we both know we don't mean it and quickly resolve the problem and stay focused on our goal. Raising Ty. Ty is such a great baby. we started putting him in his crib at night about 3 weeks ago. That was hard for me. for the first 2 nights i sat on the couch untill 2:30 in the morning staring at the monitor. And making 2 dozen trips into his room to make sure he was ok. About 1 week ago he suprised us with a full night of sleep. Now he gets his bath around 8:30pm and then eats one last time then sleeps from about 9:30ish to 7:30ish. He wakes up a few times always around 4am. But after a couple trips to give him is pacifier he falls right back a sleep.
When he wakes up he is always in such a good mood. As you can tell from the video. That is him every morning. Laughing, Dancing and making noises. He smiles onpurpose now and is starting to find his hands. He really wants to suck his thumb but instead he just slobbers on his whole hand.
We went for his 2 month check up and he is in the 70% for his weight. 13 lbs. And he only the 25% for his height. So right now he is a short little meatball. However he has a regular size head. He is out growing close like crazy and is now eating 6oz 5 times a day. All in all tehre is nothing I would ever change with him. He is our perect little boy. He even had his first beach day with Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Dustin, Aunt Vanessa, 2nd Grandma Sandy and Future wife Lily. He loves the beach!!!!
He also got to meet Uncle Nick and Ashley for the he mety Uncle Ben and Alison when he was about 2 weeks old.
I will post some pictures of all of this soon. For now enjoy the video. And of course the video has Daddy doing the baby talk.
Ty you are perfect and We love you so much!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
3:00 am, 03/02/10
Yes, I am up and wide awake at 3:00am. One month ago our lives changed forever. I can't believe that Ty has been here for 4 whole weeks already. It has been a crazy ride so far (as I am sure you read in previous posts) but at this point I wouldn't trade it for the world. Besides bringing this amazing being into the world, I feel as though Drew and I have learned a lot about ourselves not only as individuals, but as a couple as well. Ty is awesome. He finally seems to have his days and nights in sync, he has plenty of wide awake time when he is PERFECTLY content, he loves going for walks, he now LOVES bath time (especially when is Gramma gives them), and he is starting to get chunky and I love looking at his little legs! I'm can't lie and say that anything about parenthood is easy, because it isn't...every aspect of it is hard, and every day brings new challenges. The one and only single thing that is easy, is loving Ty. I'm so blessed to have not only the son that I do, but also a husband who is so involved and supportive, and family that is ready to jump in and save the day no matter what. He's eating just about every 3 hours still, and eating 4oz at a time, we are still waiting for him to give that first long stretch of sleep! :) We also think that he is on the verge of purposely smiling! Even when he does it by accident its the cutest thing ever! Ty made his debut at his first baseball game, as well as to the beach to watch daddy surf this week. Well, I am going to try and get some sleep while he is, *HAPPY*ONE*MONTH*BIRTHDAY*BABY*TY* Your daddy and I love you!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Short Video
This is just a short video of Ty and myself. I was teaching him to give kisses(well thats what i wanted to think) and when Nicole recorded it he just wanted to stick his tongue out at me. It really isnt him kissing it is him thinking my lips are a bottle so he try to get them haha He is So perfect and AMAZING. More video's to follow soon.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Just over 2 weeks
Well we are just over 2 weeks with Ty. It has been an amazing ride so far. Things are starting to get on a schedule, for as much schedule as a 2 week old can. Ty is now eating 4 oz of formula every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. He still has his days and nights mixed up but it is getting better. I went back to work this week. It is so hard to leave in the morning especially when He falls a sleep on my chest. Nicole is doing an amazing job with him everyday. I know by the time I get home she is ready for a break but she is such an awesome mom. Ty is so lucky to have her. It has been a bit stressful and at times you think " did we make a mistake" but it is all worth it and as we learn more and get use to what he wants it all starts to get easier. And when you are holding him and he smiles so big his Pacifier falls out and you see his little gums smiling at you, it melts your heart. My Aunt Carol and Uncle Tony from New York are down and came to meet Ty last night. We have had so many friends help with stopping by to drop off food or letting us come to there house during emotional melt downs (Dustin and Vanessa) and we thank all of you so much!!!!
On another note We booked our airfare today to go to Costa Rica in September. SO EXCITED. We are going with Dustin, Vanessa, Derrick, Tiffany and few other friends. We can not wait. Ty will be staying with the grandparents because he will still be to young to travel to another country. I have never surfed outside the country. I have been skimboarding in many countries but never gone to surf. I am so excited. As well as it will be a nice little break for Nicole and I to spend some time together. We usually do a trip in November for our anniversary but this year we decided Costa will be out trip!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the rambling on just excited about so much in my life right. I couldn't ask for anything else and wouldn't change anything for the world. I pray every night to thank God for all the blessings in my life. And here are a few pics of Ty
Ty Taking a Bath.

Ty and Lily on Valentines Day

Our Family (Minus Ollie)
On another note We booked our airfare today to go to Costa Rica in September. SO EXCITED. We are going with Dustin, Vanessa, Derrick, Tiffany and few other friends. We can not wait. Ty will be staying with the grandparents because he will still be to young to travel to another country. I have never surfed outside the country. I have been skimboarding in many countries but never gone to surf. I am so excited. As well as it will be a nice little break for Nicole and I to spend some time together. We usually do a trip in November for our anniversary but this year we decided Costa will be out trip!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the rambling on just excited about so much in my life right. I couldn't ask for anything else and wouldn't change anything for the world. I pray every night to thank God for all the blessings in my life. And here are a few pics of Ty
Ty Taking a Bath.

Ty and Lily on Valentines Day

Our Family (Minus Ollie)

Thursday, February 11, 2010
9 days...
Feewww.. where to begin. I have never felt like I have had a busier 9 days in my life before. (probably because I haven't) Although the past 9 days haven't been the easiest of my life, they have been by far the most rewarding in many ways! First of course, is being completely blessed by having the most perfect baby boy you could ask for. Everyday I am learning about him & I love it. Second, would be that I know now more than ever, that I have married my best friend & with him I can do anything. We make a great team, and this past week and a half has brought us together in ways I never felt possible. I have learned that Drew will be there for Ty and I, no matter what... he's such a strong person & is one of the most supportive comforting people I know. I'd not only be lost with out him, but am truly lucky to have him forever. I have learned what the TRUE meaning of family is. Without going into such great detail about this... all I have to say is that I hope I can re-pay my parents one day for the constant, love, support, encouragement, and attention they have given us in this time of need. I am so excited for our future together as a family. In addition to our "immediate family" ... we have also found family in our friends Vanessa & Dustin. They have been a rock for us this past week, listening to our meltdowns and frustrations. We love them so much, and thank god for putting them in our lives when they did. Your reassurance and brutal honesty is so comforting, and you guys have been there for us when we needed you most. Thank you!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Dear Ty
Dear Ty,
Well welcome to the world. I had some thoughts on how I might feel when you were born but nothing was even close. I am so amazed with you. All your mom and I do is stare at you while you sleep. You are so perfect. The day you were born was a cloudy overcast day. You were suppose to be born on February 5th 2010. But We decided with the doctor that we were going to induce on February 3rd. So on February 1st I was off work and I made mommy go every where with me. She was a little mad at me because she was tired and wanted to lay down and relax. We ate a wonderful spaghetti dinner that your mommy made that night. The next morning on February 2nd Mommy woke up and told me we should go to the hospital. We drove up there and arrived around 8am. They checked mommy and moved us to Labor and Delivery around 9:25. Both your grandma's, Joepaw, Aunt Allie, and daddy's best friend Reid arrived within the next couple hours. You had a wonderful nurse Jessica who was one of mommies friends in school. She took wonderful care of Mommy and you when you arrived. Dr. Hamel showed up at about 3pm. Mommy started pushing at 3:19 and at 3:45pm you were born. You were so beautiful. Daddy cried like a baby for about 20 minutes watching you get cleaned off and lay on mommy. You were 21 inches long and weighed a whopping 8.16 lbs.

We stayed in the hospital for the next 2 days and then came home on February 4th were you met your brother ollie for the first time. The first night you were awake alot and we realized you were just hungry and 1oz of formula just wasn't enough. So we gave you 1.5 oz's and you were sleeping like a beautiful baby.
You have alot of people that already love you so much. But the most amazing person through this whole thing has been your mom. Since the day she found out she was pregnant every decision we made was all about what was best for you. It was fun going to doctors appointments and watching you grow inside mommy. When mommy gave birth to you it was a miracle of God. It was absolutely the most incredible thing I have ever been apart of and your mom did a perfect job. She loves you so much and just keeps staring at you.
We have a ton to learn still and what I have learned so far is:
Changing a diaper isnt that hard - But alot harder after a circumcision
Since your a boy if there is no diaper on yet and you have to pee you do. And whatever is around is what gets it.
You are a little fart machine when you are eating.
You make the most precious sounds when you are sleeping
You like to fall asleep half way thru eating or burping
You are my new best friend and I will do everything I can to make sure you have the best, easiest, and least painful life that we can give you.
You also have a ton of family that wants to be with you all the time. Both Grandma's , Joepaw, Aunt allie, Uncle Dustin and Aunt Vanessa, Lily, Uncle Ben will get to meet you on Saturday, Uncle Nick and Grandpa will be down in a few weeks to meet you also. You are the most loved little bundle of joy. Thank you for all the happiness you have brought mommy and I already and we will do our best to do everything right.
I love you so much and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you apart of it.
I Love you
Well welcome to the world. I had some thoughts on how I might feel when you were born but nothing was even close. I am so amazed with you. All your mom and I do is stare at you while you sleep. You are so perfect. The day you were born was a cloudy overcast day. You were suppose to be born on February 5th 2010. But We decided with the doctor that we were going to induce on February 3rd. So on February 1st I was off work and I made mommy go every where with me. She was a little mad at me because she was tired and wanted to lay down and relax. We ate a wonderful spaghetti dinner that your mommy made that night. The next morning on February 2nd Mommy woke up and told me we should go to the hospital. We drove up there and arrived around 8am. They checked mommy and moved us to Labor and Delivery around 9:25. Both your grandma's, Joepaw, Aunt Allie, and daddy's best friend Reid arrived within the next couple hours. You had a wonderful nurse Jessica who was one of mommies friends in school. She took wonderful care of Mommy and you when you arrived. Dr. Hamel showed up at about 3pm. Mommy started pushing at 3:19 and at 3:45pm you were born. You were so beautiful. Daddy cried like a baby for about 20 minutes watching you get cleaned off and lay on mommy. You were 21 inches long and weighed a whopping 8.16 lbs.
We stayed in the hospital for the next 2 days and then came home on February 4th were you met your brother ollie for the first time. The first night you were awake alot and we realized you were just hungry and 1oz of formula just wasn't enough. So we gave you 1.5 oz's and you were sleeping like a beautiful baby.
You have alot of people that already love you so much. But the most amazing person through this whole thing has been your mom. Since the day she found out she was pregnant every decision we made was all about what was best for you. It was fun going to doctors appointments and watching you grow inside mommy. When mommy gave birth to you it was a miracle of God. It was absolutely the most incredible thing I have ever been apart of and your mom did a perfect job. She loves you so much and just keeps staring at you.
We have a ton to learn still and what I have learned so far is:
Changing a diaper isnt that hard - But alot harder after a circumcision
Since your a boy if there is no diaper on yet and you have to pee you do. And whatever is around is what gets it.
You are a little fart machine when you are eating.
You make the most precious sounds when you are sleeping
You like to fall asleep half way thru eating or burping
You are my new best friend and I will do everything I can to make sure you have the best, easiest, and least painful life that we can give you.
You also have a ton of family that wants to be with you all the time. Both Grandma's , Joepaw, Aunt allie, Uncle Dustin and Aunt Vanessa, Lily, Uncle Ben will get to meet you on Saturday, Uncle Nick and Grandpa will be down in a few weeks to meet you also. You are the most loved little bundle of joy. Thank you for all the happiness you have brought mommy and I already and we will do our best to do everything right.
I love you so much and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you apart of it.
I Love you
Ty is Here!!!!!!!!
Well first off everyone Ty Joseph Danielo was born on Tuesday February 2, 2010 at 3:45pm. Everything went absolutely perfect. We couldn't have asked for anything to have gone better. Nicole's epidural worked 100% she didnt feel anything. Ty was born with no complications. Just the cord got wrapped around his neck on the way out but our amazing doctor took care of it within a matter of seconds. I managed to not pass out through the whole thing and even looked at way more than I thought I could have. It was the most amazing and wonderful blessing in my life. There were definitely angels in the room with us over looking the whole process. Ty came out and I cried like a baby!!!!!! He was 21"'s long and weighed 8.16 lbs. His color was absolutely amazing within like 5 minutes. We came home on Thursday and Ollie got to meet his new little brother. Ollie has been making the adjustment great. Last night at like 3:45am he had the "are you kidding me look" on his face but as soon as Ty makes a peep or a little cry ollie runs to were Ty is. Thank You to all our friends and family who came to visit us and meet Ty for the 1st time. Here are a few photo's.
Our last picture of just the 2 of us.

Ty Joseph Danielo-

Our first Family Picture
Our last picture of just the 2 of us.
Ty Joseph Danielo-
Our first Family Picture
Friday, January 29, 2010
4 Days or less!!!!!!!!!!!!
So we haven't updated lately. We had a doctors appointment on Wednesday and Nicole was dilated 3cm. The doctor said we could set up a date for an induction if it goes that long. So we set it up for Wednesday February 3rd at 6am. We have a full moon this Saturday night so hopefully it will be sooner than that. WE ARE SO EXCITED. We finally have the entire room put together and everything as situated as we can I think. this is going to be such an amazing ride I can't wait. And luckily we have amazing friends close that will be there to help and answer all the questions I can only imagine we will have as new parents. We also have family close that will be a huge help.
I can't lie I am a little nervous. Which I would think is totally normal. I am more nervous for Nicole having to go through the labor and delivery part of this. It has made me realize that women are way tougher than any of us men. Luckily she has a pretty high pain tolerance and some help from the epidural so I think she will be ok.
I personally am ready for all of this. I have had a few rough days this past week. Got stressed out on a situation I thought was already taken care of once. Then got a migraine, Then broke out with folliculitis. Which is pretty painful. Then I stressed because I want this to be gone before Ty shows up. But it is what it is and we will be the best parents we can.
Everyone please keep us in your prayers and for Nicole and the baby to have a safe and as easy as possible labor and delivery. I will post pics of Ty at the first chance I get. Thank You all friends and family, You all mean the world to Nicole, Ty and Myself.
I can't lie I am a little nervous. Which I would think is totally normal. I am more nervous for Nicole having to go through the labor and delivery part of this. It has made me realize that women are way tougher than any of us men. Luckily she has a pretty high pain tolerance and some help from the epidural so I think she will be ok.
I personally am ready for all of this. I have had a few rough days this past week. Got stressed out on a situation I thought was already taken care of once. Then got a migraine, Then broke out with folliculitis. Which is pretty painful. Then I stressed because I want this to be gone before Ty shows up. But it is what it is and we will be the best parents we can.
Everyone please keep us in your prayers and for Nicole and the baby to have a safe and as easy as possible labor and delivery. I will post pics of Ty at the first chance I get. Thank You all friends and family, You all mean the world to Nicole, Ty and Myself.
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