Friday, January 29, 2010

4 Days or less!!!!!!!!!!!!

So we haven't updated lately. We had a doctors appointment on Wednesday and Nicole was dilated 3cm. The doctor said we could set up a date for an induction if it goes that long. So we set it up for Wednesday February 3rd at 6am. We have a full moon this Saturday night so hopefully it will be sooner than that. WE ARE SO EXCITED. We finally have the entire room put together and everything as situated as we can I think. this is going to be such an amazing ride I can't wait. And luckily we have amazing friends close that will be there to help and answer all the questions I can only imagine we will have as new parents. We also have family close that will be a huge help.

I can't lie I am a little nervous. Which I would think is totally normal. I am more nervous for Nicole having to go through the labor and delivery part of this. It has made me realize that women are way tougher than any of us men. Luckily she has a pretty high pain tolerance and some help from the epidural so I think she will be ok.

I personally am ready for all of this. I have had a few rough days this past week. Got stressed out on a situation I thought was already taken care of once. Then got a migraine, Then broke out with folliculitis. Which is pretty painful. Then I stressed because I want this to be gone before Ty shows up. But it is what it is and we will be the best parents we can.

Everyone please keep us in your prayers and for Nicole and the baby to have a safe and as easy as possible labor and delivery. I will post pics of Ty at the first chance I get. Thank You all friends and family, You all mean the world to Nicole, Ty and Myself.